Sunday, January 17, 2016

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Speak Sweetly and Touch Hearts

When speaking to others we usually speak from our head, or intellect. Words spoken from the head rarely touch the hearts of others. This means they don’t create any impact and are soon forgotten. When I speak to others I need to speak with my heart as well as my head and fill my words with love.

Thought for Today!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Defeating Bad Habits

Some bad habits are like tyrants – they crowd the head and heart so strongly that under no circumstances do they wish to move. They have enjoyed their undisputed reign over us and will not depart easily.
To defeat them, it’s important to keep practising the silence of introspection and to connect to the Eternal Reservoir of benevolent energy.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Valuable Life

There is always something we can do for others; and doing it will also increase the value of our own life.

Thought for Today!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Everything’s Fine

To a truly contented and enlightened soul everything in the world, which means the way the world is right now, is just fine. To the unenlightened and discontented soul this will sound like a massive avoidance. But think about it. Does the masterful actor go to the theatre for their evening performance, and on entering the stage start shifting the backdrop, altering the scenery and moving the props around? Of course not, they are totally concentrated on the role they need to create and play to the best of their ability. And so it is with the world. The backdrop to our life is the way things are at this moment in time. The props are exactly where they are meant to be at this moment in time.
Many people spend their whole lives trying to change the backdrop and move the props around, little realising the futility of the exercise. Yes they may succeed in altering an angle here, a minute part of the picture there. But all at the cost of the focus and the energy needed to put on their best performance. Little did they realise that if they had fully focused on their performance and achieved their own highest standards of excellence, not only would those around them be immensely enriched, but the backdrop and the props of their life would have changed automatically, as the invitations roll in to perform their life elsewhere.
Excellence is a much more powerful influence in the world than discontent. So everything is fine out there. No one said it’s perfect. But it is exactly the way it should be …at this moment. So here is the paradox of effective change – if you want to influence change for the better, then the most effective way to begin is with contentment with the way things are. The way things are, are the way things are meant to be!

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Lightness is like hitting a spring of water inside. A sudden break out from the dryness of your normal reactions as you begin to express from within, rather than just responding to what you see outside.
It usually happens when you come upon a quality that hasn’t been destroyed or jaded by time, something very old and inherent in you that has survived. Most qualities and talents are developed through use, but are also in some way diluted and changed. Lightness is touching what makes you unique, because it has never changed.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Best Language For Communication

Silence is the best language for communication. It helps us understand and realise the eternal truths about the self, God and the world. In silence we are able to comprehend and express sincerely and powerfully the true values of the soul such as peace, love and joy. Silence is not the absence of thoughts but it is a state in which the mind is engaged in pure elevated thoughts that nuture these values within. The power of silence develops all mental and spiritual powers that are needed to tackle various situations successfully.

Thought for Today!

Friday, January 8, 2016


Learning to enjoy the present moment and give my best, no matter  what the situation, protects me from becoming jaded by life.

If when my stamina begins to diminish I remind myself to enjoy whatever I do and pour love into every task, then my energy will be replenished.

Thought for Today!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Mindful Moments

Most of us are of sound mind, but many of us have trouble maintaining a note of harmony and peace. Most of us know how to think, but few of us are able to control our thoughts. We all have the capacity to be creative, to image new ideas, but few of us are able to do it together and co-create in harmony with each other. We could all do with some mental training so that we may use the most powerful energy in the universe, the mind, which is always at our instant disposal.
We can begin with mindfulness. It’s a simple way to gently help our mind go where it is best to go, do what is the best thing to do. It begins by simply being fully aware of what you are doing. Mostly we are not fully aware, as our minds wander into the past and then into possible futures. We spend most of our time watching others and so rarely fully focus on what we are actually doing ourselves.
Next time you sit down to a meal, watch your self. Be aware of only what you are eating. Every time your mind wants to wander, bring it gently and lovingly back to the action and sensation of eating. Then do the same when cleaning, when writing, when working. The more you do it stronger and more focused and more rational will be your concentration, the more natural will be your actions, the more peaceful you will feel, and the more relaxed you will be, no matter what you are doing.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Enjoy Everything You Do

Most of our time goes into pleasing others and making them happy. Often despite our best efforts we find that people do not appreciate what we have done. When we have tried hard to please someone we feel disheartened and upset.
Whatever I do is for myself. When I recognise this fact, I will never do anything just to please others. When I am content with the effort I put in, I will never be dependent on others’ recognition of what I have done. When I enjoy everything I do, I will be truly happy. The more content I am, the more others will start appreciating my effort.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Humility grows a little more each time I step away from my own feelings and opinions and genuinely listen to the experience of another human being. Humility is dedication to the extent that no acknowledgement is sought for the self. Only when I have learned to value others no more or less than I value myself can I be said to be truly humble.

Thought for Today!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Open Mind

The mind is like a parachute – it works best when it is open. How quickly we make assumptions and jump to conclusions. How easily we form and hold fast to our opinions. An open and understanding mind never assumes, doesn’t jump to conclusions and won’t hold fast to any opinion. Yet we know there are always many points of view (ing), and that seeing each one is much more rewarding, entertaining and enlightening.

Thought for Today!

Sunday, January 3, 2016


Why is it hard to forgive others? Usually because we believe that they are 90% to blame for the problem, that I am not as bad as they are. So I start to carry the load of other people’s actions. If my ego is too hurt, I will have the sense of correction, of justice: ‘I know I am right’, ‘That is not fair’. But if I start to forgive from the heart, sincerely, then this kind of feeling and attitude begins to dissolve. I remain humble and this forgiveness will bring me closer to others. Then I do not carry regrets or anger, I just let go and remain light.

Saturday, January 2, 2016


True non-violence means never hurting others even through words. Most of us make a great effort not to hurt people physically, but sometimes we hurt others through our words, often accidently.

Today I will really think about the consequence of my words before I speak and consider how they might hurt others, I will also notice how when I do express negativity it makes those around me feel negative, which in turn affects me for the worst too.

Thought for Today!